Thursday, May 28, 2009

Love Conquers All


In the city of Verona Romeo from the Montague household and Juliet from the Capulet household loved each other. These two households have been enemies for years. These two households will kill each other and have no regret. The only thing that terminated there hatred towards each other were the deaths of Romeo and Juliet the two lovers. Romeo and Juliet's deaths marked a new beginning for both households and also for the city of Verona.


Romeo is from the Montague household and is son of Sir and Lady Montague. Romeo is sixteen years of age and has just been love struck by Juliet. Romeo is associated with Mercutio, who is related to the Prince.Benvolio is Romeo's cousin and he thinks that Romeo should stop thinking of Rosaline because there are other people he can fall in love with. Romeo is a young, caring, and sensitive man that would do anything for his true love Juliet.

Juliet is from the Capulet household and is daughter of Sir and Lady Capulet. Juliet a really young woman who is around twelve years old is experiencing true love. Juliet is associated with Rosaline who is also a Capulet. Rosaline was also been involved with Romeo before Juliet and Romeo got together. Romeo and Juliet's relationships has been kept a secret because they both can get in trouble with their families because both of their households are enemies. Their relationships didn't really work out because they had little time with each other because she was suppose to marry the Rich 20 something year old Paris. This eventually lead to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

I have just recently spoken to the Nurse about this tragedy and this is what she had to say "I have raised Juliet since she was born and I have always viewed her as my daughter, and now that I have received notice about her suicide I feel lonely and guilty because I wanted her to go with some one she didn't love." "I wanted her to go with Paris just because of his money, when she could have gone with her true love Romeo." " I will always carry this guilt with me because I did not let them be together and now their dead because of it."" I hope that Juliet can forgive me because I was only looking out for her that is all I have to say."

I have just recently interviewed Benvolio and he had a few things to say about the tragedy.
"Why did he had to fall in love with the daughter of Sir and Lady Capulet. My cousin Romeo has bad luck with the ladies because he always fell in love with the wrong girls. Maybe, if I had shown him how to be a player, by not falling for every girl he meets then maybe just maybe he wouldn't have killed himself because of a girl." " But it is to late because he is dead because I didn't teach him the player way."

After this horrible episode the Prince has Punished both households by making live together and by making them resolve their problems towards each other. The Prince has put the Friar on trial because he had spend a lot of time with the two lovers Romeo and Juliet and also scheduled their marriage. The nurse will also be put on trial because she has been encouraging Juliet to go with Romeo. I believe that Sir and Lady Capulet will also be put on trial because it was their fault that Juliet wanted to get away because she did not want to marry Paris.