Thursday, May 28, 2009

Love Conquers All


In the city of Verona Romeo from the Montague household and Juliet from the Capulet household loved each other. These two households have been enemies for years. These two households will kill each other and have no regret. The only thing that terminated there hatred towards each other were the deaths of Romeo and Juliet the two lovers. Romeo and Juliet's deaths marked a new beginning for both households and also for the city of Verona.


Romeo is from the Montague household and is son of Sir and Lady Montague. Romeo is sixteen years of age and has just been love struck by Juliet. Romeo is associated with Mercutio, who is related to the Prince.Benvolio is Romeo's cousin and he thinks that Romeo should stop thinking of Rosaline because there are other people he can fall in love with. Romeo is a young, caring, and sensitive man that would do anything for his true love Juliet.

Juliet is from the Capulet household and is daughter of Sir and Lady Capulet. Juliet a really young woman who is around twelve years old is experiencing true love. Juliet is associated with Rosaline who is also a Capulet. Rosaline was also been involved with Romeo before Juliet and Romeo got together. Romeo and Juliet's relationships has been kept a secret because they both can get in trouble with their families because both of their households are enemies. Their relationships didn't really work out because they had little time with each other because she was suppose to marry the Rich 20 something year old Paris. This eventually lead to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

I have just recently spoken to the Nurse about this tragedy and this is what she had to say "I have raised Juliet since she was born and I have always viewed her as my daughter, and now that I have received notice about her suicide I feel lonely and guilty because I wanted her to go with some one she didn't love." "I wanted her to go with Paris just because of his money, when she could have gone with her true love Romeo." " I will always carry this guilt with me because I did not let them be together and now their dead because of it."" I hope that Juliet can forgive me because I was only looking out for her that is all I have to say."

I have just recently interviewed Benvolio and he had a few things to say about the tragedy.
"Why did he had to fall in love with the daughter of Sir and Lady Capulet. My cousin Romeo has bad luck with the ladies because he always fell in love with the wrong girls. Maybe, if I had shown him how to be a player, by not falling for every girl he meets then maybe just maybe he wouldn't have killed himself because of a girl." " But it is to late because he is dead because I didn't teach him the player way."

After this horrible episode the Prince has Punished both households by making live together and by making them resolve their problems towards each other. The Prince has put the Friar on trial because he had spend a lot of time with the two lovers Romeo and Juliet and also scheduled their marriage. The nurse will also be put on trial because she has been encouraging Juliet to go with Romeo. I believe that Sir and Lady Capulet will also be put on trial because it was their fault that Juliet wanted to get away because she did not want to marry Paris.

Monday, March 9, 2009

4)After reading Of Mice and Men and the two news articles, what is your stance on euthanasia? Is "mercy" killing a legitimate way to ending someones life? List any exceptions, if you have any.
Answer: My stance on euthanasia is against it because euthanasia is just like abortion it terminates someone life. There are people that are drawn to thinking that euthanasia is the right but I believe that it is wrong because your are still killing someone no matter how you do it. I believe that there are exceptions to euthanasia such as being in the vegetative state. Another reason is when people have anguished faces or people that stare morosely at everything, are miserable and don't want to live. My final exception is when a person has a serious conundrum with their health and they can't get better. I believe that doctors cause infractions everyday when they perform euthanasia on people and they don't get caught. The doctors are helping people commit suicide which is illegal. People have to have exceptions on euthenasia because you do not want people to suffer.I have made my choice on euthanasia have you?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Mercy Killing"

1)Reflecting on Mice and Men
A.Explain George's perspective for what he did to Lennie.
Answer: George's perspectives from his point of view is that Lennie is not bright and that he will always cause problems. He also thought that he was wasting his time on telling things that he won't remember. George also thought that Lennie is a danger to himself and to the people all around him.
B.Do you think that was the best thing to do for Lennie?
Answer: I believe that it was the best thing for Lennie because Lennie was probably going to go to jail for a long time or get shot or tortured by Curley and the other people trying to hunt him down. It was also a good thing because Lennie might kill another person and cause more trouble for George..
2)Father in Italy Accused of Murder
A. Using a "quote" to support your response, explain the father's reasons for what he did.
Answer:"Eluana Englaro, who had been in a vegetative state for 17 years, died Feb. 9 in a clinic in the city of Udine after doctors removed her feeding tubes." The Father decided to do that because from his perspective even if she would wake from the vegetative state she will not be able to do the things that other adults do. Also the father thought that the daughter would need extra care because she will not know how to do anything. She will not know how to walk, talk or dress because usually when your in the vegetative state you lose memory.
B. Using a "quote" to support your response, explain if that was the best thing to do for the daughter."Eluana Englaro, who had been in a vegetative state for 17 years, died Feb. 9 in a clinic in the city of Udine after doctors removed her feeding tubes."In this quote it explains why everything went down. I mean the daughter had been in the vegetative state for 17 years, that is a really long time.It was the best thing for the girl because she had no hope of waking up from the vegetative state. She did not have a chance of waking up and plus she wished to be disconnected from the feeding tubes, because she knew that she would be her same old self ever again.
3. Man Kills Family after Losing his Job
A. Imagine and list things that might have been going through the father's mind as he contemplated his "mercy" killing. (In the article, the father's suicide note gives specific evidence of why he did what he did. Elaborate on it.) Specifically, what could he have been negative or paranoid about?Answer:The father probably thought that they wouldn't make it through because they did not have money because they lost their jobs at Kaiser. The father also did not want the kids to suffer just because he lost his job he believed that his children did not have to struggle just because both his him and his wife lost their jobs. He had a negative thought about how his children were going to grow up in a bad and unsafe environment because they did have money to support them.
B. Unfortunately, with America's failing economy, many professionals are losing their jobs. While many do not resort to something as extreme as the man in the article, it does cause stress within families. What are some ways that parents can support children (to succeed in life) that do NOT require money?Answer: The Parents can support their children by letting them join a sport"s team at school and by going to watch them play. Another way is that by letting them do activities at school. Another way is to get involved with the kid's lives by helping them with their homework. The last way parents can support their children is by communicating with their children better.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dead Silence

1a.I have picked Kobe as my Ralph because he is a very solemn person/athlete. When Kobe is serious he becomes a leader and a role model on and off the court. Kobe doesn't treat people differently because the way they look like just like Ralph. Kobe is a dedicated leader that directs his teammates what to do on the court just like what Ralph did on the island. Also Kobe can come up with plans or plays at any given moment like Ralph. Ralph is a very important person just like Kobe because the group will fall apart without them just like what happened to Kobe in the finals last year and also what happened to Ralph losing his chief position and the peace was gone.

2a.I have picked Shaquille O' Neal as my Jack because he doesn't get a long with Kobe Just like Jack doesn't get a long with Ralph.Another reason why I have picked Shaq as my Jack because Kobe and Shaq where on the same team and now they are not because of an argument just like Ralph and Jack. Shaq has his own team just like Jack.


I have Chosen Peter as Piggy because Peter gets picked on just like Piggy. Another reason is that Peter looks similar to Piggy. Peter is very round like Piggy and he doesn't get respect just like Piggy. Peter is a similar Piggy because he uses glasses just like Piggy. He also often told to be quiet just like Piggy when he kept on getting shut-up by Jack.

4a. I have chosen Ron Weasley as my Simon because Ron Weasley
a loyal friend to Harry Potter just like Simon is to Ralph. Another reason why I chose Ron Weasley as my Simon because he is a trustworthy friend . I have a also chosen him as my Simon because without Harry and Hermione he would be a lone just like Simon if he didn't have Ralph and Piggy.
I have chosen Dr. Octopus as my Roger because Dr. Octopus is a subordinate villain just like Roger he is a subordinate villain on the island behind the main villain Jack. I have also chosen him because he evil just like Roger. Roger has an evil mind that kill just like Dr. Octopus.

My beastie the alien from Alien vs. Predator.

7a. I would pick a boat that is stranded with no food
and no power as another place for the story to take place. I have picked this as a place for the story to take place because I want to see how the boys would survive.
8a. I would change the title to "Dead Silence" because they would be stranded in the middle of nowhere without any power and without any food. This be a good title because no one will know were they are.