Monday, November 3, 2008


1)In this picture, before the bombing on Hiroshima I see a beautiful area with it's tall buildings. In this picture the structure looks very advanced for it's time because it is very tall.The area looks like a very nice and peaceful to live in. I see that their is a tree surrounded by bushes and that their is a fountain of water in the back of the tree.
2)In this picture I see a destroyed hall.This hall was destroyed by an atomic bombing ordered by president Truman as revenge from the bombing of Pearl Harbor.This are the remains of the Industrial Promotion Hall.This building is now known as the Atomic Dome.
3)In this picture you see the imprint (shadow) of a person.The reason the shadow remained on the wall is because the heat rays were so hot that the body vanished but the imprint of the person remained.I feel so bad for this person. I am so surprised because I did not know that this can happen to a person, I am seriously shocked by looking at this picture.
4)In this drawing I see the pain the person went through. This picture
shows me how the people were dying is sort of gave me the person's
eyes and let me see the bombing from his point of view. I understand that this
is a crisis, this is no exaggeration, this is someone's home town this
is were they lived.These were innocent they had nothing to do with the bombing
on Pearl Harbor (military base in Hawaii).